The birthday party

This story is going to be a spinoff on a legend. I'll relay the incident first for you so you'll understand the scenario. My brother-in-law told me a story about a woman whose husband wanted[…]

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Niki & grace ii

Chapter 2. Paul was laying in his hammock feeling completely satisfied. His wife who was sunbathing on the deck was listening in on the story he was telling his two daughters about his first real[…]

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A friend on e

I have known Angie for fourteen years. We have always lived in the same area and occasionally we would bump into each other doing shopping. I always liked her, and judging by the time we[…]

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My story

This is a story based off of one of my friends and I. He is my best friend in the entire world. I wouldn’t trade what we have for anything. Adam is my best friend.[…]

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The smell of sex

I first learned of the magnetism of sexual odor as an 18-year-old teenager. In school, I was always more cerebral than athletic. Consequently, I participated in science and debate clubs instead of sports. Reserved and[…]

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