Lust to the max

It's been a while, a very long time since my 14-year-old self has been "sexually active" as to what the elders call it. But that last time was my first, but unfortunately all I did[…]

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My young flower 4

Okay people, before I start this story, I’m going to address some problems with my last 3. To those who love my stories, give positive feedback, and tips, I thank you. But to those who[…]

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Moment by moment…

She closed her eyes again. In her mind she pushed away the memory of the accident and concentrated on his hands. He had large soft hands. They were male hands. Gentle.. tender and hers. She[…]

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Just a moment

Customer Service was not her forte and yet here she was dealing with customers. She had attended a four year university and had received her degree in Business. After all was said and done, the[…]

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Snow angel

The most annoying sound he could think of woke him from a sound sleep. The alarm siren on Martin’s phone told him it was Saturday and he had to get up for work. It’s a[…]

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