Alex and jesse

It was a sunny Friday afternoon. 17 year old Alex made his way down the wooded path. The doppled sunlight fell on his medium length light brown hair that ended in a skater's flip. He[…]

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Dirty basement

Heather slowly approachs the closed dark basement door with trepidation and caution; what lies beyond is a world that is messy and dangerous. It is John's private workshop full of sharp tools, dirty workbenches, vise[…]

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So I will start by describing myself. I’m 18 years old, not that good looking. I have dark blonde hair, green eyes and a bit of a tummy. Not huge, but it’s there. I’m still[…]

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I own you

I walk in the room, push you up against the wall and kiss you so hard that it takes your breath away and leaves you panting for breath… Pinning your arms against the wall, I[…]

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Stranger on a train

Missy Edwards stared out the window and marveled at the Nevada scenery! she mumbled to herself, as the landscape of rock, desert, and mountains flew by while she relaxed in comfort on the Amtrak super[…]

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My sisters warning

Isn’t it amazing, how your whole life can change in one evening. One little episode and your entire outlook is changed, a new facet of your personality is discovered and new possibilities to explore. My[…]

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Story of sarah

Town Square is looking awfully busy tonight. The one place I go to get away from it all. Too bad tonight had to put me in a slump. Feeling the cold drink slide down my[…]

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The pleasure of heather

Heather holds an executive position in a major investment firm, and has to dress rather conservatively. When she's at home or in certain social settings, she tends to dress a little more comfortably, but still[…]

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