Here are a couple of jokes for you guys, they are not my original work, but I thought they were funny. So please enjoy them. Why do lesbians shop at Gander Moutain? A: Because they[…]
I am curious (fourteen)
I Am Curious (Fourteen) My name is Lola and everyone tells me that I'm beautiful, and maybe they're right, I'm not sure really. I have high cheekbones and I don't need to wear makeup to[…]
Brotherly love
My name is Jason, and I am seventeen. I am about 6'1 and 170 pounds. Most of it is muscle, but I have a slight belly. I have short black hair and blue eyes. I[…]
My cousin jo and i, part 15
My cousin Jo and I, Part 15 Finally mom quits asking about Christy. Jo and mom make supper. I go in the front room to watch TV. Shortly Jo comes in smiling at me. “Pretty[…]
The story of kelly and bill
This Is the Story about Bill and Kelly; both are 35 and live in A Small Town in Northern Florida, They Are Conservative and Are Happy with Their Lives. They Have Known Each Other Since[…]
Apocolypse chapter 22+23
Apocalypse chapter 22 As before time passes faster than it seems and it is now late spring. We have made a lot of progress on repairing the crashed space ship with Adrien's help. He has[…]
A sexy surprise afternoon fuck
I walk up behind you, slip my hands around your waist, and pull you close. I start slowly kissing your neck. I don't care who sees. You tilt your head to the side, so I[…]
Jessica Copyright © 2016 Jax_Teller By Jax_Teller I had seen Jessica at a mutual friends house for years but never had much contact until a year ago. We'd been friendly at a distance never having[…]
The way i dreamed it part 2 chapter 21
Hey you guys know the drill; I don’t own the Naruto series. Maybe you guys were mad that I left the chapter in a cliffhanger, well maybe I’ll just leave this chapter in a cliffhanger[…]
The slaver gets his wish chapter 11
The Slaver Gets his Wish Chapter 11 I had bid Sven good evening after drinking with him again, which was a poor decision. The man could hold is liquor. banshee had been delivered to Donald[…]
Annie's rape
[i]I checked the handle on the back door and found it unlocked. Opening it slowly I look in and see her in the living room with her back to me, she is wearing a black[…]
My best mate dan chptrs 2 & 3
Chapter two. Sure enough next morning Dan appeared. “Ready sleepy head” she hollered. Quick as a flash I was on my bike and racing after her. We raced all the way there, both panting, out[…]
Scientific bestiality
My daughter, nine year old Roseanne (Rosie), and I walked through the city park one summer late morning, enjoying the freshness in the air, the smells of the various flowers and trees, and the bushes[…]
Cyberlovers: the first meeting
Ann glanced again at the directions printed out from e-mail. Maneuvering her car along the winding road leading to the resort cabin, she thought about what was coming. For the past two years, she had[…]
Karen's drinking problem (part 2)
After our experience with Karen's co-workers dog (in another story) my wife and I started looking for a dog of our own. We researched on the internet to see which dogs were easy going and[…]
I own you
I walk in the room, push you up against the wall and kiss you so hard that it takes your breath away and leaves you panting for breath… Pinning your arms against the wall, I[…]