Social service had just called and asked if I had a 2 bedrooms or larger unit available. Actually I had 3 empty units and so I offered as was my custom. I have a standing[…]
Fat girls can dance
Fbailey story number 268 Fat Girls Can Dance Tina came up on my porch and sat down in one of my chairs facing me. I had seen her around the neighborhood for a few years.[…]
Dial 1-800-blk-cock
Joanna Norton stared at the scrap of paper sticking out from between her fingers After a long moment of contemplation she picked up the receiver to her phone and with a shaky hand dialed 1-800-BLK-COCK.[…]
The office
I was sat at my desk willing the seconds to turn into minutes, the minutes into hours and then I would finally be released from this hell. It had been practically silent all day, the[…]
One night stand
This is a fiction story about a girl that goes to a bar and meets a guy. So plz feel free to leave comments this is on my second story and my first one didn't[…]
Accidental Cousin Part 2: I had just found out that the hot girl I fucked over Spring Break was in fact my cousin. Now sitting at my Aunt's house trying to listen to conversations and[…]
Sharing cindy chapter 14 "louie and cliff take her"
Sharing Cindy Chapter14 After Cindy got hired on at the Harley dealer, we began to really embrace the biker lifestyle. I am not talking the whole “Sons of Anarchy” bike gang thing, but more the[…]
Julie and the team part 3
Julie and the Team Part 3 Ethan's main bathroom had a large shower in a big spa bath, and I took my time cleaning myself up – then I looked at myself in the large[…]
A night with nicole
I met Nicole one afternoon on one of those telephone-dating services. You know, one of those deals where the service lets you exchange messages back and forth. Well to get you hooked they give us[…]
Gabby 3
Gabby 3 Doing the laundry was a several hour affair with my wrists cuffed behind my back. By the time I had finished, and gotten his clothes and sheets back into his room, the sky[…]
Andrea has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. we bonded in kindergarten because neither of could tie our shoes. we have shared blood, sweat, and tears. she is the one[…]
College daze – chapter 3
College Daze – Chapter 3 Saturday night, and I was in bed early. What a way to spend a weekend, working early on a Sunday morning. The money would help with the bills, though, and[…]
Starting from scratch, part one
He looked at his watch, took a sip of coffee, and looked at the door again. Ten more minutes, he decided, that would make it an even hour late, five thirty, then he would move[…]
Late seven
Late Seven By Systematic Sandy wanted to get laid. I could tell from the looks he was giving me, his body language. It had only been a week since our sleepover, but he was getting[…]
Knowing what to do
KNOWING WHAT TO DO. The summer of my fifteenth birthday I was masturbating regularly. Three sometimes four times in the afternoon after school. All these years later you cannot imagine the total lack of information[…]
Little sister and me
This story is 100% real… I have changed the names to protect me and the others involved in the story. I will also keep our ages a secret too. This happened to me about 4[…]