Dial 1-800-blk-cock

Joanna Norton stared at the scrap of paper sticking out from between her fingers After a long moment of contemplation she picked up the receiver to her phone and with a shaky hand dialed 1-800-BLK-COCK.[…]

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The office

I was sat at my desk willing the seconds to turn into minutes, the minutes into hours and then I would finally be released from this hell. It had been practically silent all day, the[…]

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Gabby 3

Gabby 3 Doing the laundry was a several hour affair with my wrists cuffed behind my back. By the time I had finished, and gotten his clothes and sheets back into his room, the sky[…]

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Andrea has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. we bonded in kindergarten because neither of could tie our shoes. we have shared blood, sweat, and tears. she is the one[…]

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Late seven

Late Seven By Systematic Sandy wanted to get laid. I could tell from the looks he was giving me, his body language. It had only been a week since our sleepover, but he was getting[…]

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Knowing what to do

KNOWING WHAT TO DO. The summer of my fifteenth birthday I was masturbating regularly. Three sometimes four times in the afternoon after school. All these years later you cannot imagine the total lack of information[…]

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