"one picture?"

“One /> By Blueheatt ___My daddy (Ben) and I ( Millie) had our ‘super secret‘. I was a real daddy’s girl and would do anything for him. I was his little spoiled brat, and we[…]

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Nurse maid

"Where are we headed," Angie asked, as Petra slipped her car into and pulled smoothly into traffic? "It's a surprise," Petra said with a gleam in her eye, "you'll find out when we get there!!![…]

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At the family reunion

Wendy is technically my cousin however she is a couple of generations removed. (her great-great grandmother and my great grandmother were sisters). She was a bouncy, energetic redhead that, for some reason, attached herself to[…]

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Officer bradley

I love a man in uniform. Any time there’s a security issue in my store and police need to be called, there was one cop that showed up 80 percent of the time. Officer Bradley.[…]

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Best friends part 1

/> Nathan, Connor, Chris, and Ben all went to North Eaton High School. They were in 9th grade but had all been best friends since pre-school. Recently, Nathan started having fantasies about fucking his long-time[…]

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