Sara – mom

The car stops in front of Sara’s house. Viktoria noticed there was a woman at the window and the girl told she was her mom. The woman felt her blood icing in her veins and[…]

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Southern belle :: end

This story is not based on any actual event or person. All characters and all parts of the story are completely fictional. Viewer discretion is advised. It was a relatively warm day when two familiar[…]

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Wifes revelation pt2

Part2 Pam wakes after a long sleepless night. She spent the night contemplating her dilemma hoping she still has a marriage. She listens for jack hearing him in the kitchen and pots rattling. Pam slowly[…]

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The man by the pool

Over the summer I usually post flyers for people who have a pool that needs cleaned. Living in Southern California means there is a lot of people with pools. I get relatively good business but[…]

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What vcr?

I have had my eye on Eric since he started tending bar at the restaurant I worked at. We’d had some casual conversations, but nothing that seemed to lead anywhere. It was frustrating as hell.[…]

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