Another wave prt 6

Something was jabbing me in the stomach. I opened my eyes, to see absolutely bugger all. There was a big screen of brown. I was completely disorientated, as falling out of your bed in the[…]

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The hot tub

I had never met anyone from online before for sex, but I was so horny this night, I decided to try it. I had been flirting with this guy online for about 45 minutes and[…]

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Just a dream

I'm standing next to you in a kitchen listening to music and talking to you. You are wearing a pretty brown tank and a medium length white skirt looking very sexy. Goo Goo Dolls' Slide[…]

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Jenny's virginity

JENNY’S VIRGINITY Jenny is my sister’s daughter. She is now 17 years old and is turning into a very lovely young lady. Being 18 years younger than Sis, I have been her favourite little brother[…]

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Guido s high note

The early October morning brought me to the Crazy Water Hotel in downtown Mineral Wells, Texas. For years, it has been a retirement home for Senior citizens, over the age of fifty. The work order[…]

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Threesome pt 1

This was my first time to have sex out of my marriage. It all started on a Thursday night bowling league. I met Amber and Jen while we were starting a new season. We hit[…]

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