Killing beauty

To be honest with you, at times I do wish that I was dead. Every inch and consummately dead. Dead like those two boys, Kyle and Zane, whose deaths I am responsible for. I didn’t[…]

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My friends son

My girlfriend's husband was an officer in the Navy. They were stationed in many different countries. While in one of the countries, she came upon a woman that was very ill and needed someone that[…]

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The dvd button

It was a Sunday afternoon. I was sitting on the couch looking at sports and the doorbell rang. I opened the door and it was Julie. Julie was super fine. She was about 5’6” @[…]

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Her first time pt 1

Adam and Deb are in their mid twenties and havebeen living together in an apartment for the past two years. They met at work and after banging each brains out for a few months decidedthey[…]

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Panties and gloves

A young man wished to purchase a gift for his new sweetheart's birthday, and as they had not been dating very long, after careful consideration he decided a pair of gloves would strike the right[…]

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Lying in near silence on his bedroll, Xavier squirms uncomfortably. The padding was nothing more than soft rabbit hides stitched together, and left plenty of chances for the rocks beneath him to bump through. He[…]

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Hotel party

*************** Hotel PArty /> I got an invite to a party a i met online was throwing. I went to his house parties before but this time it was in a hotel.I put on a[…]

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It wasn't me.

This story was difficult for me to write. Not because there's violence or anger. I've done that before. Not because it's dark, although it is. This isn't the first thing I wrote that you weren't[…]

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Goodie bag

They say the thrill of rape is to be given what you want without showing your true nature I drove long that night out of the city through the suburbs till I reached your quaint[…]

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