I heard her walk out into the hallway and turn towards the bedroom instead of out towards the living room. The move puzzled me but not that much, I figured that she was just going[…]
A perfect stranger
I was laying in bed and I was soooo horny. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of experiencing my bed, I must say it is rather amazing. I have a king sized[…]
Salvation chapter 3
The whole day had been like a nightmare where one is awake and yet in a daze. The closer it grew to time for Nathan to arrive the more knots tied up in Amanda's stomach.[…]
Wife wants a big one
After logging on the site and a few minutes passing recieved a chat request from a couple in my area. He explained he was looking for a hung guy around 9″ to fully fill his[…]
Night of eternal pleasure pt 2 : gone camping.
It was a few days after the party, after everything in the bathroom, we had both fell asleep there, luckily, we had woken up before anyone had come in, and so we quickly got dressed,[…]
Superman gets some
One fine day, Superman went to visit his good friend Wonder Woman. As he approached her front door, he heard some moaning sounds coming from an open window. Curious, he went to the window and[…]
The blade
It's about 1am. I feel sick with excitement and nerves. I can't quite believe what I'm doing. Part of me wants to cancel. Unable to reconcile what I'm about to do with the fact that[…]
My college fantasy come true part 1
It all started with a bet. One made teasingly by my best friend. Of course she never thought I would ever take her up on her bet as I am such a shy good girl.[…]
A good friend
Story of a good friend It was one of those perfect summers where nothing went wrong and everything was perfect. Except for that fact that I was best friends with a girl I could never[…]
Not a normal girl
Mai was sitting in her class finishing a test by herself; the teacher had taken off early to catch a flight to his spring break vacation. Mai was a B student at the moment, but[…]
Hey, what’s up my name is Daniel. I feel like I had one of the best summers that any kid growing up could have. I thank my parents every day for their careers and what[…]
Family lessons 15 by darklord
"Good morning Sara," Josie's voice said in Sara's ear as she held the receiver between her chin and her shoulder. "Morning Josie," she answered as she waved Jamey out of the room, on his way[…]
Second draft of an autobiography
Second Draft of an Autobiography /> I woke up with a jolt. An electric surge squirmed through my body like a… It was indescribable. heart fluttering head pounding skin crawling lungs quaking gasping for air.[…]
FRIDAY: Kids. … Walking toward the house; reflecting. …, I think back to the phone call I received two hours ago from Jimmy. Jimmy is my nephew. It seems Jimmy is at a party which[…]
Her guardian angel
HER GUARDIAN ANGEL By J.G.E. POWERS The first time she saw him she almost laughed. He was roly-poly, and wide-eyed, as if he was seeing the world for the first time. An image of the[…]
How did it come to this? parts i – iiii re-formated
I close my door and drop my bag down, It's the best feeling in the world. The weight of my bag on my shoulders finally being lifted. I slump on to my bed, Closing[…]