Jen sat in the back of her car wishing she didn't have to move. She loved where she lived and now she had to go back to the neighborhood where her mum grew up. Her[…]
The innocent samantha
Prelude, Well this is my first story and I made it pretty quickly but I think it is worthy enough to survive. If it turns out liked I will make a sequel. This story is[…]
The salesgirl
Kathy stood by the front door of Cox Shoe Store waiting for the last few customers of the day leave. It was almost five o'clock and she had a lot to do before Mark picked[…]
The way i dreamed it part 2 chapter 15
Kishimoto is da man and owner of the Naruto series. Now please READ . . . . . . Here’s the beginning to Part 2 Written by Dragon of the Underworld Revised by /> />[…]
Welcome home
This is my first time posting here so any and all feedback is appreciated. however if you have to be rude about it then keep in mind i'll most likely ignore it. if you like[…]
My sexy officemate -ii
Two days passed without anything new after I had the first of my very erotic encounters with Vathsala. Since that day, every time I saw her, my heart took a leap, and there was no[…]
Sex in school (part 1)
It was just a normal day at school… History class, boring as ever. I was slouched in my seat, concentrating hard on a drawing I was working on: hundreds of little soldiers laying siege to[…]
My daughter’s girlfriend
Fbailey story number 424 My Daughter’s Girlfriend Tina had several good-looking friends but Bonnie was the sexiest one of all. Bonnie was the same age as my daughter at fourteen, but she was much better[…]
Spring break 05
Spring Break of The Adventures of John and Holly Spring Break of sophomore year was going to be amazing. This was the year we were doing the whole party in Mexico thing, like you see[…]
“Dang, B, I ain’t fittin’ ta be meetin’ no females off no party line!” shouted Erin over the stereo that spilled out the sounds of the rapper Jay-Z. Erin was visiting her cousin Berri in[…]
The family tradition ch 1
This story starts a year ago. My sister, Xandra (pronounce it like Scandra), who is a hot, 18 year old blonde with legs to kill for, always orders clothing on-line, every now and then we[…]
I was barely surviving when I turned thirteen. I was nothing and no one, a street rat with no home or family. With puberty came power, only not like others. I could move things with[…]
Heaven & hell
Chapter 1: Heaven It has long since been known that angels and demons despise each other.. But for these two lovers, neither can agree that that is entirely true. It started out easily enough with[…]
Joe snaps. chapter 1 a night at the club
This is my first attempt at a story. I used spell check and tried to use proper grammar. There will still be some errors but I feel this is the best I could write this.[…]
A guy and girl's adventure ch.1
It was a normal saturday morning when i walked outside to see was my friend Jasmine out there, she was lightskin 5,2 brown eyes long hair tomboy and I was 5,5 mix (white and black)[…]
Sweet dreams part 2 – the heights of love
—- I worked really hard to get this one out quickly. It definitely features more sex than the first story, and is much lighter. I already have most of the next part mapped out, but[…]