She was beautiful. Dante smiled to himself as he looked over his birthday present. Pale as the moon with dark chestnut hair that rippled past her shoulders and with eyes the colour of pale violet;[…]
The carwash / home depot
I was driving by your house and seen you washing your car in your bathing suit ! You looked so fine I drove by 4 or 5 more times! Till I seen that you were[…]
Hitchiker 1 (revised)
" "Hey Mister," the voice asks as I sit propped up against a tree in the park near the highway. I had just hitched 50 miles or so that morning and was leaning against my[…]
Ethereum gladiator (chapter 3)
Kyla leaped from the top of a ramp. Her momentum carried her in a graceful arc through the air and over the second bulwark. Wind rushed over her nude body, fluttering her headdress as she[…]
Call in sick
Bob calls in to his job: "Hey, boss I'm not coming to work today. I'm really sick. I got a headache, stomach ache, and my legs hurt, so I'm not coming into work." The boss[…]
Wicked ties
It was official. She was going to kill Steven. What kind of an editor would send a journalist to cover a story as vapid as this one? Laura smirked to herself, disillusioned. The headline, “Derek[…]
Sound sleeper
the ec=vents in this story took plac a LONG time ago, back when things were more accepted. but, alas, times have changed. I had never intended on things happening the way they did. My name[…]
A surprise for brother 4
A worried look came over my face. "What if he tells somebody what happened here and my husband finds out?" She asked. I told her not to worry about it and explained to her that[…]
Earning a little extra – part 3
Earning a little extra – Part 3 By /> The last part of this story is getting a little too long to be a single part, so I’ve decided to make the story four parts[…]
Love thy neighbor-the complete story
Love thy neighbor – The complete story Part 1 A couple of weeks ago I was finishing washing my car in my driveway when my next door neighbor, Mary, came around and asked me if[…]
College freshman
It was my second year in college and i lived in some apartments near campus. I didn't stay on campus because all of the bullshit with rules and such. My neighbor, on the other side[…]
Kinky club couple
Sorry it's so long, but I want you to experience it the way I did. It was a typical Saturday night, I had been single again for quite a few weeks and was really feeling[…]
Family ties (7&8)
Steph announced that she was tired and was gonna head to bed. I thought about trying to convice her to stay with us, but I decided to just let her do her own thing. She'd[…]
Trisha and jennifer part 2
Jennifer spent the week following the sleepover in a walking daze: floating around the house, bumping into things, laughing out loud for no good reason and generally acting as if she were head over heals[…]
The nobility of the night
Part I, The Hunter He paused and sniffed the air and caught the scent of the prey. She was near and yet far, she was scared and yet excited. She knew death was following her[…]
Marci reluctantly hung up the phone. It certainly is a treat for her, to be talking to me again so soon, so late at night. She looks around her, dark, empty apartment wishing I was[…]