Tasting laura

I'm new to writing, and I wasn't extremely pleased with this story but posted it anyways As the midnight repeat of the ten o’clock news was getting ready to rap up with their usual goodbye[…]

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What a surprise2

It was early Saturday morning and Steve and Angie were laying next to each other after a night of non-stop sex. Steve looked at his watch – it was 4am. Angie's was still sleeping but[…]

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Flying high

We laugh together as we run into the air-conditioned airport terminal from the muggy heat outside. The effect was miraculous on you as I glanced at you once we were inside. Aside from raising your[…]

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A blessing in disguise

The moment expired into another, weaving its way into eternity. The time piece made it known that each moment was passing… expiring…. churning its way… out there into the past. The noise grew louder and[…]

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Loving her

I walked down the hall of our school watching her walk. Her ass jiggled slightely, just enough to tease me though. I watched teh way her boobs bounvced. Boys watched as she walked but I[…]

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Chorus boys

They were due to open in less than thirty days and still they were several chorus boys short of a full ensemble!!! Dick Logan, the director of the musical, sat with his assistant and said[…]

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