Vengeance 4

Ellie and I slept together, naked in her bed. She fell right asleep, and I wrapped myself tightly around her naked form. My half limp cock nestled in between the top of her cheeks, and[…]

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The fulge

The /> /> Her knee-high translucent skirt was oscillating at the cadence of her purposely slow pace set by the sharp sounds of her high heels. The sweet movements of her model like hips, up[…]

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In the library

In the Library? (An absolutely true story) In 1964, I was 17 and a freshman at Illinois Institute of Technology. I was not doing particularly well in my studies even though I had graduated top[…]

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Desparate measures

A couple were having financial problems until finally they couldn't stand it any more. The husband said to his wife that is was necessary for her to make some money through prostitution to get by.[…]

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