The cruise

Maureen O'Connell strolled leisurely down the pier, taking in all the sights and sounds that surrounded the departure of a luxury cruise ship. A native New Yorker, Mo had spent the last several days cruising[…]

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Asha and oliver

"What kind of music do you like?" "Who is your favourite author?" "Remember that time when me and Ariel sang that acoustic set at the monk?" "What's the first thing you think about in the[…]

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just from the other night with my girl and i, i just thought i would share it in a story! CLICK “Did you just take a photo?” /> “Who said you could do that?” He[…]

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Tasting laura

I'm new to writing, and I wasn't extremely pleased with this story but posted it anyways As the midnight repeat of the ten o’clock news was getting ready to rap up with their usual goodbye[…]

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Falling ch. 08

Chapter 8, In which I share too much information It had been another long trip, but I'd finished up in time to catch the early afternoon flight. I was fired up and eager to be[…]

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