Fbailey story number 399 Strange Woman In My Shower I came home from a two-day hunting trip in the Montana Mountains. I had shot a good size elk, gutted it, and managed to drag it[…]
The valedictorian part two
Part II I woke up and I could hear a lot of noise outside. The room was dark, and my head was still light, but the severe drunkenness had passed. I got up and felt[…]
The cruise
Maureen O'Connell strolled leisurely down the pier, taking in all the sights and sounds that surrounded the departure of a luxury cruise ship. A native New Yorker, Mo had spent the last several days cruising[…]
1975 – a year to remember
I remember that crisp Saturday morning in January of 1975 very well. Bobby Thompson had called and asked that we get together for coffee. He said that there was something very important he wanted to[…]
The neighborhood tramp
Taking care of rental property for other people had proved to be lucrative for Ted. It also from time to time proved to a wellspring of gals wanting to be fucked. Being a manager Ted[…]
Asha and oliver
"What kind of music do you like?" "Who is your favourite author?" "Remember that time when me and Ariel sang that acoustic set at the monk?" "What's the first thing you think about in the[…]
just from the other night with my girl and i, i just thought i would share it in a story! CLICK “Did you just take a photo?” /> “Who said you could do that?” He[…]
Group Sex Story – Naughty Threesome with my Roommate
Slowly she walked over to Sharon’s bed and lay next to her. Sliding her hands under the silky negligee, Patrice began caressing Sharon’s milky white breasts. Slowly she slipped one tit out and placed the[…]
Panties for sale? chapter 6
Panties for Sale? Chapter 6 I felt her get up. Many of the candles had gone out and for a while I dozed as I could feel her move about the room. After a time[…]
Tasting laura
I'm new to writing, and I wasn't extremely pleased with this story but posted it anyways As the midnight repeat of the ten o’clock news was getting ready to rap up with their usual goodbye[…]
Vacation is over
Hi, I’m Michelle. I have a true story to tell about my first sexual experience with a married man. By the way, I’m 45 years old. This story began when I was still in my[…]
Thursday night football
It was a Thursday evening. Thursday night football was on so my brother and I and a few buddies decided to hit a pub to watch the game. It had been about 10 years since[…]
Falling ch. 08
Chapter 8, In which I share too much information It had been another long trip, but I'd finished up in time to catch the early afternoon flight. I was fired up and eager to be[…]
Fantastic faye: chapter 1
I hadn't known Faye that long, but we had become good friends over the past few months. We were both interested in drama, and we both took part in the school production. I wouldn't call[…]
Two fleas on vacation
Two flees go on holiday every year to Florida. They always meet up at the same bar, The red lion. One year the first flee, Tom, was sat in the bar, when the other flee,[…]
My sister sarah and i – conclusion
My Sister Sarah and I – Conclusion My niece Annie had just walked through the door of her mother’s house, and she was a spitting image of my little sister before we lost touch with[…]