On duty

I had only been on the job for a little over a year and already I was getting sick of it. It seemed like everyday was the same. I would go to a school, bust[…]

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My masseur

I wanted to finish the second part of the Katlin and Missy tale, since I've already outlined it and people seem to like the first part. But I couldn't get this one out of my[…]

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Five on her

**Finally finished another one of my stories…trying something a bit different this time..hope u like it…comments very appreciated! 🙂 RYAN! The experience I wanted to share is about my friend's wife Britney (not her real[…]

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A dream

I have this dream that I am in my office. I was supposed to have the day off, but as usual, I and the rest of my office was called in. However, I have promised[…]

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Pat says: Soooo convenient Nikki says: Well I managed to do a couple of things too Nikki says: You know.. Pat says: Oh? Nikki says: Mhm Nikki says: Got over feeling bad about it being[…]

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Hidden watcher

He quietly walked around the house searching for any sign of someone still there. After searching for several minutes he was convinced that everyone was gone. Looking at the note left of the fridge he[…]

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Pushing master

Megan walked back down the hall, waiting was driving her nuts. She had done it, she had pissed her Master off and now he was making her pay. She had once told him that she[…]

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Bb part 1

I write for money. I have several clients. A few more couldn't hurt. Email me at for MORE of my already written, and ongoing writing commissions, or if you are looking for a writer BB[…]

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A relaxing massage

It was late Saturday night when I experienced a rush I never had before in my life. This was something I had always thought about before, but never followed through with, fearing for the consequences[…]

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