
Marci reluctantly hung up the phone. It certainly is a treat for her, to be talking to me again so soon, so late at night. She looks around her, dark, empty apartment wishing I was[…]

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Friday nights

It’s difficult to find a good start for my story. A relationship with your own father doesn’t just start. Still I feel the urge to write it down. For him as much as for myself.[…]

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Danni's revenge

Dani’s Revenge The light fog added a moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel, sending a shiver up her spine. She was lucky she knew the[…]

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Billy and i

BILLY AND I I remember once after practice, Billy and I were the last in the shower. I was faced away from him when he suddenly reached between my legs and grabbed my balls. He[…]

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Sex and the church.

Three couples, an elderly couple, a middle-aged couple & a young newly-wed couple wanted to join a church. The priest said " We have special requirements for new parishioners, you must abstain from having sex[…]

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