Dad’s Help My son and I have been on our own now for a few years ever since his mother left, not to be heard from again. Jeff was 11 at the time and it[…]
Oh sally
This is a fictional story. My sister, sally, is one year younger than me. I’m nineteen, I stand five foot eleven and am 170lbs. I am in good shape as I play several sports and[…]
Lucky lisa's lesson
Lisa was walking home from school one sunny afternoon. She was thinking about what colleges she was going to apply to. She was a tiny little thing, as most gymnasts are. Small frame and flat[…]
Okay folks, this is my first story so it's gonna be short n' sweet, and my grammar may not be awesome… Mia always knew she was a lesbian. She had lost her virginity to a[…]
Animal park needs solution for gorilla in heat
A small West Virginia Wild Animal Park had acquired a very rare species of gorilla. Within a few weeks, the female gorilla became very horny, and difficult to handle. Upon examination, the park veterinarian diagnosed[…]
The story of kelly and bill
This Is the Story about Bill and Kelly; both are 35 and live in A Small Town in Northern Florida, They Are Conservative and Are Happy with Their Lives. They Have Known Each Other Since[…]
Jeremy part two
Hi, it’s Jeremy again. The next time my mother allowed me to get a glimpse of her naked body I did exactly what Jenny suggested. It had been about three or four weeks after my[…]
A night with rachel
It was a little before midnight when we arrived at her house. I pulled my jet black BMW into the driveway. Rachel leaned over gave me a kiss full on the lips and asked if[…]
Plain jane got pretty
Fbailey story number 670 Plain Jane Got Pretty Billy was my best friend for as long as I could remember. My mother told me that Billy, his sister, and his mother moved in when Billy[…]
My sexual awakening
My Sexual Awakening Chapter 1 I am Mike, 16, I do the normal things a teenage guy does, video games, hanging out with friends, sports, no girl friend fanaticize about sex. And no I have[…]
A love game
Enjoy! Trevor was your "all around" student athlete. He played Varsity football and kept great grades. That's what initially attracted me to him. His kind, gentle, hands…pretty smile..and let's not forget his green eyes. I[…]
Would your friend like to join us? she asked…
The party was over, but our night was just getting started. I'd just got back from a nightclub in central London and I was fumbling the keys to the front door of my apartment; it[…]
Lesbians dancing naked…
Lesbians dancing naked on the ceiling again, treating each other as very good friends. The audience stop and stare, As the spread there thighs for each other to share. Touching each other in all the[…]
Brotherly bonds
hi im a 17 year old guy and my older brother is 22. This is what happened when i found him masturbating I walked into his room to borrow some body wash and cracked[…]
Unnamed – act 3, scene 4
gotten a little ambitious," she growls playfully as she takes up a riding crop and circles their Slave menacingly, blindfolding her victim before circling again. The crop's tip cracks out from the mist to score[…]
A night of change
Her transformation was nearly complete. Claire remained unconscious as the molecules in her body rearranged themselves, changing her very DNA. Outwardly, the changes were subtle, but hours from now, when she awoke, she would feel[…]