This was my first time to have sex out of my marriage. It all started on a Thursday night bowling league. I met Amber and Jen while we were starting a new season. We hit[…]
Godmothers lust pt 2
It was just past 2am on Saturday morning. I was in my room with just my TV on lying on my back with my semi hard cock in my right hand slowly stroking it. My[…]
Learning experience
I grew up in a small town, living with my single Mom. I was about 12 and I spent a lot of my childhood spending time with my Uncle Tim, my moms younger brother and[…]
As it should be
Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life… As the plane touched down these words spun around in my head as the butterflies played drum solos in the pit of my stomach.[…]
Afternoon delight with brooke
This is my first submitted story….Please feel free to comment and critisize. On Saturday I went to see my naughty friend Brooke, arriving at her house I saw that no one else was home. Upon[…]
It’s 3:00 in the morning I look at you; you look at me So what you want to do its 3:00 in the morning. I want to make love to you from head to toe.[…]
High school part 5
“Is STEIN still running with VICKI?” I asked her, and Anthony shushed me. The entire movie, all I could think about was Pat lying behind me. How would I explain this to my family? How[…]
Human slavery reborn: prologue and chapter 1, part 1
Human Slavery Reborn Prologue: Operation Bone Collector Announced “The trading of human bodies is no longer illegal. We have researched it and have found it to be a viable way to lift our country out[…]
Hypno slavers: the dr. emily group-part 2
When I awoke the next morning I dragged myself from the bed and took a good long shower. My appointment was at two pm and since it was about eleven I had time to pamper[…]
To those who choose to read our stories….
I’ve written several stories now about my wife and I, how we’re both bisexual and have an open and free relationship, each of us able to fuck who we want, when we want. While I[…]
Cat girl charity – transitions (part 2)
Once again change has come to the community of Start Rift and the Academy. A plot here,a murder there, intrigue, theft and the non stop pursuit of hedonistic pleasure is ‘business as usual’ for the[…]
My part tim boss
I was probably just turned 15,when i first started to notice simons friendliness towards me was becoming slightly more than i was comfortable with.I had worked for him as a saturday boy and 2 nights[…]
Teaching the olsens part 4
I looked down as Mary-Kate tentively licked my cock disgust obvious on her face. “Better then that Mary-Kate, you’ve got to lick me clean. Remove all traces of your sisters blood and my semen, you[…]
New start
Katie lived in Florida her whole life. When her father’s job posted them to New York she didn't want to leave all her friends but she knew she'd have to… No matter how much she[…]
Friendly fuck
The summer before Junior year started was really great. I got a new car and everyday I would hang out with my three best friends. There was my best buddy Matt and his girlfriend Claire.[…]
Powers out ii
Power’s Out II So much to do and it’s almost 9 o’clock. Thinking to himself I don’t have a lot of time and there is still so much to do I will just need to[…]