Monica's birthday

I want to start out by saying that ALL of my stories are written for my best friend Monica. They all were specifically written for her and I'm now sharing them as she believes they're[…]

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The gift

THE GIFT I stumbled over the metal threshold of the doorway as I hurried into the convenience store. I looked down immediately to see what my toe had hit then looked up, embarrassed, to see[…]

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Inn and out

INN and OUT A Young Boy's Fantasy Brought To A Darker Light When I was a young boy around the age of seven, I worked with my father run a small Inn just outside of[…]

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Silken manacles

Isn't it funny how the most incongruous of details seem to be the ones that linger in memory in times of extreme duress? This idea fluttered through Diane Greer's scattered thoughts as she watched two[…]

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Taken again

Shay was devastated after that night. She wasn’t the same person, she went through a total transformation. She quit going out with her friends, didn’t date, gave away all her sexy, eye-catching outfits, she only[…]

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