Man, i love this desert

#187 Stardust8937 Sex Lover Join Date: Aug 2010 Location: the Mohave desert,of Southern California MAN, I LOVE THIS DESERT (another poem by Stardust 9-6-10) I like to think of myself as an old grizzled desert[…]

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The weekend

The bus pulled into the station. After 13 hours, I finally arrived. I had been looking forward to this moment for a month. She was there to meet me, looking just as beautiful as ever.[…]

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Silent romance

He had seen her before. Where? At a park, that's where it was. How could he forget her long wavy brown hair and slender frame. She had been at her nephew's eighth birthday party. He[…]

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Maribel by Gail Holmes I remember the time only to well: it was two days after my birthday, a Sunday morning; on Sundays we never dressed before breakfast just walked around in our night gowns,[…]

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Blind date

Tyler couldn't believe this girl!!! She was beautiful, smart, exotic, and witty, but talk about dominant, he could hardly get in a word edgewise!!! Even her name sounded exotic, Geneva Berk, now who had ever[…]

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