Dress sexy

Dress Sexy (MF, mast, oral, tits) © 2005 Rhys.The.Mage I was constantly badgering my wife to wear things I thought were sexy. Problem was, not only did we have different ideas about the definition of[…]

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The dog ballers

First things first. I did not right or have anything to do with the following story. I recently found a large quantity of some very high quality and original writings. proper credit is hereby given[…]

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Stacy the tease

This was written by my husband about a very dear friend of mine who really is a dreadful tease. For all you teases out there…you will get yours hehehehhe hope you enjoy comments welcomed. We[…]

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Our story ch.2

Tell me exactly what happened.” My husband began. “I want to know /> He seemed too calm. Still crying, still visibly upset, but yet far too calm for a man in his position. I told[…]

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Outback bar

There was a wild and run down bar in the middle of the Australian outback. One quiet afternoon a kangaroo dressed in a fancy suit with spats and a monocle comes in and hops up[…]

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Educating tommy

Educating Tommy Hello my name is Shannon, and I’m a thirty three year old Mum with a twelve year old son named Tommy. I kicked my husband out after I caught the bastard cheating on[…]

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Farzana kausar

Farzana Kausar By Suhail (Pakistan) Hi! My name is Suhail and I would like to tell you about my true story. It involves my co-worker and friend Farzana Kusar. But first a little back ground[…]

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