Twenty year old Kelly Carlquist stood at the bottom of a mountain with her best friend and personal trainer Tom, ready for their hike up. Being an avid hiker, she had scaled the mountain several[…]
Will's new home: part 10
“I can’t believe he did this” Brook thought to herself. She was now sitting on the couch with Lisa and Maggie, as she felt unfathomable sadness overcome her. The pure and utter betrayal of her[…]
Apartment complex mother and daughters1
Social service had just called and asked if I had a 2 bedrooms or larger unit available. Actually I had 3 empty units and so I offered as was my custom. I have a standing[…]
A night with her
"This is your 1st week here, don't you think you should slow down a bit before asking her out?" Dan’s buddy, Keith said, as they're walking to class. "I just want one chance to show[…]
Teaching my sister
It sure was quiet in the house. My parents were over at a friend’s house for a birthday party and I knew they wouldn’t be home until very late. My 17 year old sister, Robin,[…]
The toronto run 2
The Toronto Run 2 I woke up and looked at the clock. It was early in the morning, and the moonlight was gleaming through the window. I rubbed my eyes and my head was aching.[…]
Celias education: pt 1 the first time
The following events happened when I was 19, over twenty years ago. I came home from my first year of college to stay with my parents for the summer. About two weeks after I arrived[…]
Collision course pt. 2
Collision course part 2 Realising their parents would be home any minute, Ethan and Amber quickly got up of the sofa to clean themselves up and with good reason. Amber’s feet were drenched and dripping[…]
Ellen's fantasy 2
Ellens’ Fantasy 2 I woke up at some point in the night and the memories of what had just been done to me came flooding back as I saw myself in the mirror on the[…]
Maria is initiated part 2
On the way home Maria was strangely silent, usually she chatters all the time, she lay back in her seat with her eyes closed and a wide smile on her lips, I guessed that she[…]
Five on her
**Finally finished another one of my stories…trying something a bit different this time..hope u like it…comments very appreciated! RYAN! The experience I wanted to share is about my friend's wife Britney (not her real[…]
Stranger on a train
Missy Edwards stared out the window and marveled at the Nevada scenery! she mumbled to herself, as the landscape of rock, desert, and mountains flew by while she relaxed in comfort on the Amtrak super[…]
Bobby and jonnie were sweethearts
She was seventeen and still had never been kissed, except when she met Bobby. He was seventeen also and, although he had been kissed several times by the ladies, he had never got to second[…]
Vengeance 17
Vengeance 17 We sat on a blanket on the stones atop the roof of my three story dorm, looking into the small town that was a literal two minute walk away. It was a cold[…]
My sneaky wife…
My wife and I have a completely open and honest relationship and we talk about everything. I knew she was BI (damn near lez) when we first met so after a few years I finally[…]
My japanese love part 9
My Japanese Love Part 9: Alicia’s woes In the days that followed I began to imagine what my child would be. It’s nice to know that in all the chaos that has happened in my[…]