A 23 year old guy shouldn't have to move back home with his parents but that is exactly what happened. At least, the move wouldn't be a long term thing as it was only five[…]
Compassionate rachel part 2
I woke up the next morning, sliding myself from underneath my sisters hugging arm while she still slept. She was beautiful. I watched her sleep for a moment taking in her beauty, her soft lips[…]
How i got started
How I Got Started (b/b, teen boy/boy, incest, mild violence, white socks) When I was 7, I started playing around with my friend Chris. We touched each other, put our pricks in each other’s mouth[…]
My first time, twice
My First Time, Twice By: Ariel Levy When I was fourteen years old, I decided it was time to lose my virginity. Precocity had always been my thing. As an only child, I spent most[…]
Seducing simon
I always knew Simon had fancied me, I mean, You can't help but notice when you sit next to him in class and he goes red and stutters. He always helped me with work if[…]
For the weekend
»This is a fantasy I have had for a while now. I just need to get it out of my system. My name is Kyle. And I have a man-crush on my step brother, Adam.[…]
Tons of sex
MAY, 1999 I. Ashley was a caller. That's how it started. She'd called a few times over a few weeks, always asking to hear the same song, one that you could hear every forty-five minutes[…]
My hottie
I'm Brandon, 18 about 150 lbs 5 ft 11 inches. I've got medium length brown hair, just kinda messed up. Currently I'm a senior at a catholic school in Ohio. This story is about how[…]
Interviews of my sex life: charlotte part1
What the fuck is wrong with me? I am forty-six years old. Why am I fantasizing about a kid? It was two a.m. and I was putting my sheets in the wash. I could not[…]
Traumatized brother part 1
TRAUMATIZED BROTHER : PART 1 Buzz . . . Shane Henney looked up from her notes and picked her phone. There was a new message. Her best friend, Helena smirked. “Tell your boyfriend we’re busy.”[…]
Special treatment for special customers
Working at a Mercedes Benz dealership has its perks. First, I get to spend my time around such beautiful cars. Second, I get to spend time around beautiful women. Trophy wives to these rich men[…]
One hot summer
The pool was warm, the air was cool and the sky was bright with stars. I have known him for years, and we have flirted for as long as I can remember. As we swam[…]
One fun sunday
Im Veronica, a 16 year old tall slender girl with dyed red hair. Not too many boys find me that attractive, only cause Im a goth. I don’t do the white makeup or drink the[…]
Soothing mysti (all parts)
DISCLAIMER: EVERY THING IN THIS STORY IS JUST THAT. A STORY. EVERYTHING IS MADE UP. FAKE. FICTICIOUS. If sexual relations between family members bothers you, read something else. If you don’t like it tough crap[…]
Tim, the teenage part xxxiv
Note: ——I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator, but I know it’s not me. I am simply sharing this lovely[…]
Me and my bro part 2
Let me in Izzy! I gotta get dressed!" Damn, the bitch locked the door. One day she was going to have to accept that this was my room too. "One minute!" She shouted, sounding out[…]