Being a CEO of a large company has its perks. Particularly, the power to control people. I took notice of one of my employees. We'll call him Phil. Phil was a black man who worked[…]
The abduction chamber: part 1
The last thing I remember before getting taken away was falling asleep. I stripped out of my work clothes (I'm a waitress, down at the diner on Ferdinand and 69th), and pulled on some new[…]
"sweaty" part 1
/> by Julius Copyright 2005 Mitzi rang the bell. Nobody answered, so she opened the screen door and rapped with her knuckles. The door swung open a couple of inches. Blowing a drop of sweat[…]
Tasting the apple
This is a work of fan fiction. All characters are the properties of their respective owners. I own the story line. This story takes place at the end of chapter 14 of One Big Horny[…]
The invasion of nicondria
The year was 3200AD and the bright yellow planet of Nicondria gleamed into the bridge viewport. General Krasis was a large reptilian humanoid, with blue skin, a large snout filled with sharp teeth, a long[…]
Junior sex club 7
I found a much better rewritten version of this story once online, and regretted erasing it from my computer. Here's the origanal written by someone else….I take no credit it for this, but thought many[…]
The 120 days of sodom – 14 – part1, the thirteenth day
The Président, who that night lay with Adelaide, his daughter, having sported with her until he felt asleep about to claim him, had therewith relegated her to the pallet beside his bed in order that[…]
Lesson learned
I thought it was my lucky day. Britney Stevens, the prettiest cheerleader at Anderson High, was suddenly showing an interest in me. Perhaps it should have been obvious that something was going on, but girls[…]
The elvis tattoo
A young lady who just worshiped Elvis Presley, decided to get herself a tattoo of him on her right, upper, inner thigh. She located a tattoo parlor that specialized in rock and roll tattoos and[…]
Tim’s story: part one
“More roast beef?” Marie Bond asked her eighteen year old son. “Uh, no thanks, mom,” he replied, “I couldn’t eat another bite.” Marie looked at her only son with concern while worrying that he seemed[…]
Rick comes into his own!
Greetings everyone,Rick here again! Time to share another heartwarming family experience with you all. OK! Now, in the last story which I called, rather cunningly I thought, ‘Keep it in the Family’ I introduced you[…]
4 curious college girls: ch5 attack of the lesbians (soft)
Chapter 5: Attack of the Lesbians Warning! There are two versions of this chapter. Because of the serious nature of the content, we have created a version. This is the cleaner version, it doesn’t contain[…]
Hot summer night ii
Hot Summer Night II A BBW with long blond hair curling in the heat with her bright blue eyes sparkle in the light of the moon and in her mid 50’s she thought to herself,[…]
Wedding night
We had just gotten to the house and the guest where all ready in the back yard waiting for us to arrived we got in to the house and I Went up stairs to get[…]
My parents new boarder
my first story, please be nice. i welcome respectful criticism. The day was hot, it was summer holidays oh how i loved the summer holidays! I was a petite young 13 year old my hair[…]
My neighbors
“Hi Robbie!” Victoria Fletcher called, as I rounded the fence that separated our front yards. “Hello Vikki,” I replied sleepily. I’d only been up for a few hours because it was summer time, and I[…]