Vampire desires 3

"Hurry! Get him on to the bed!," screamed one voice. "Is he going to be alright?," panicked another. /> "We're loosing him! Quick pass me that medicine! Quick!," said the first voice. "What have I[…]

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Mom knows best

said…I got a sexual charge in my of the risk that I was taking, the chance of getting caught doing it and the ultimate thrill I was having at the moment. This caused my heart[…]

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Financial need

Nicole Jerome is 18 going to college. This is her first year in college, she had entered a beauty pageant. Hoping to win for the scholarship to help pay for college. She is stressed about[…]

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The librarian

Ryan pushed the heavy cart containing at least on hundred books down the narrow library aisles, stopping occasionally to return the volumes to their proper place. To most people rummaging around a bunch of dusty[…]

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Vampire erotica

I am alone and helpless, on my way home from softball practice late one night. I hear foot steps following me, but when I turn there is nothing there. Scared I start moving faster. Still[…]

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Bringing in jenny

My girlfriend and I had been discussing for quite some time about inviting a woman into our sex lives for a threesome. We are an extremely sexual couple that met under some interesting conditions. She[…]

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Tears of joy

You were lying on the bed. I was only wearing a long t-shirt and panties. I walked into the room and stood on your side of the bed. I leaned down and started kissing you.[…]

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