I arched my back, and began checking myself out. I was 17 back then, and extremely well fit. I was 5'6, about 112, maybe 115lbs, with perfect D34 breasts. I was extremely proud of my[…]
My sister and her friend
I Woke this morning with a new sense of purpose.I new in order to get what I wanted I would have to put my plan into action. My plan was simple, to try and catch[…]
My first time
Hi, my name is Max, this is a story from when I was 12. "Hey Max" my friend Caleb said, Caleb is 16 and I've known him since we were both little. Our moms are[…]
Impregnating sarah — part 6
Part 6 The film began with Laura entering a room containing a large bed, located in a pool of light at the center of the screen. No one else was visible on the screen. Her[…]
Enslaved part 2
Diane stepped into the shower and Madison came in after her closing the glass door. Diane turned on the hot water and the cold water and stood under the spray of water. Madison smoothed her[…]
Welcome home
This is my first time posting here so any and all feedback is appreciated. however if you have to be rude about it then keep in mind i'll most likely ignore it. if you like[…]
Remember me?
When I was sixteen years old, one my dad’s old drinking buddies said to me, one day, “Son, you probably don’t realise it now, but these are the best years of your life. Once you[…]
Cross dressed, fucked, and loving it!
I heard them knock at the door a few minutes after seven. I would normally just think showing up a few minutes after the scheduled time appropriate. However, knowing what I was getting myself into[…]
Adoring elizabeth v: babysitting
As I expected, I didn't see Elizabeth again until the following Sunday at church, and as I met her after the sermon she told me she needed to go to class this week so that[…]
I knew your wife was going out of town to visit relatives. Damn I have wanted you for so very long. I wanted to do all the things to you that I knew she never[…]
My best friend, max
I was sitting at home, alone, watching MTV like I always do. The house felt empty. No kids, no boyfriend. My only company was Max, my mix. He is pretty much a happy-go-lucky dog, the[…]
Rick comes into his own!
Greetings everyone,Rick here again! Time to share another heartwarming family experience with you all. OK! Now, in the last story which I called, rather cunningly I thought, ‘Keep it in the Family’ I introduced you[…]
Beasts are better
First things first. I did not right or have anything to do with the following story. I recently found a large quantity of some very high quality and original writings. proper credit is hereby given[…]
The plan
I locked eyes with her across the dance floor. It had to be her- caramel colored skin, red dress, dark hair, check, check, and check. She towered over the rest of the dancers, had to[…]
The night that was, final chapter
One thing I’ve learned writing, “Loving Wives,” stories, no matter how you end them, you’re always going to disappoint someone. When I started this story I said it was an accurate account of the crumbling[…]
What a wife and son deserve 1.5
“Hey Snake and Pit it has been a while. Got the five grand?” “Yes we got it. Sorry to here about your family trouble we know you have been living the straight and narrow since[…]