Well to start off i will discribe me… I am 5'10 Brown Hair Brown Eyes I am 130 Lbs. I work out every other day I am very strong and i show it I am[…]
Neighbours part 4
Neighbours Part 4 4.01 Lisa: 4.02 Lisa, Video Preparation: 4.03 Lisa, Basement Session Room: 4.04 Lisa, Hair Removal: 4.05 Lisa, Harness, Sybian: 4.06 Michael and Lisa Meet: 4.07 Michael and Lisa Foreplay: 4.08 Michael and[…]
Cucks first day!
So one day right I'm at work talking real freaky with my girl all day. We having one of those days where we haven't had sexnin awhile and we're both turned on so we're gonna[…]
Sex with my sister (book 5 chapter 2)
Chapter 2 – Temptation Just about an hour after we got home, I had changed and gotten out of the speedo, and into a normal pair of black shorts. I was in the basement rec-room[…]
Friday nights
It’s difficult to find a good start for my story. A relationship with your own father doesn’t just start. Still I feel the urge to write it down. For him as much as for myself.[…]
“Nope, I’m going to go bearing gifts of truth. She was warned, the contract states very specifically a gag order for me, my team and everything we do. I cannot let this slide,” I tell[…]
The anniversary …
I hurried around our large house, getting everything ready. I lit candles in the bedroom, and turned on some romantic music. I had already arranged for dinner to be on the table at 7pm. Now[…]
Valentine’s Day Sex Story with Paris
I kissed her face from above, kissing it all over as her body squirmed in front of me. My hands wandered down her face and neck until they reached her nipples, still kissing her my[…]
Taken many times
Bao Han is the only Vietnamese singer who came from Vienna Austria. Her family left Vietnam in 1975 and settled in Europe when Bao Han was 2 years old. While at a performance in Paris,[…]
Brothers best friend
It had been five years since her brother died. Her and his bestfriend went through all of the pain together. He was there to hold her and comfort her when not even her parents knew[…]
My life – i learn from my aunty
I can’t really remember when I got my first erection – who can? However I remember when I was about 13 that I used to slip off my pyjama trousers in bed and I found[…]
Stewardess cindy ch 2: a frankel humour story
Stewardess Cindy Ch 2 – Humour & Satire Originally written by Frankel Stewardess Cindy pushed the drinks trolley into the first class aisle. She liked working first class normally but today the other stewardess had[…]
Getting what I want
Yes they call me things. Slut, mole, bitch whore… Maybe I am? But at least I now get what I want. Jamie was the first married man I corrupted and slept with. Yes he was[…]
My life and loves, my first true love
Life for me continued on into spring and track season. I ran in to 1500 and 800 meter races and was pretty good. I even finished in first place in one meet and second in[…]
Appetite for incest
All of my life I have wanted to have incestuous relations. The fact that it seems so wrong and taboo always made me want to have sexual relations with a family member. I wanted it[…]
Guardian angel chapter 2
CHAPTER 2 – THE CRUEL WORLD Part 1: Back to School Summer’s finally over, and it’s not school time. It’s also the worst day of Kiyan’s life. It’s also the day Jake goes back to[…]