My holiday

My first story, tell me if you like it and maybe i'll write more. WARNING: This story contains themes of, as you may have guessed from the tags, children, homosexuality and rape. I fthese offend,[…]

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Dana knew she needed to get off. As the shuttle train neared her stop and she realized that soon she’d have to stop stealing glances at the hot scantily clad blonde that that had been[…]

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A slut is born

Chelsea closed the door to her room. The smile on her face and the twinkle in her eye showed her excitement. She could not believe that Jason Brown, a senior, captain of the football team,[…]

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Mandi part 3

It was Saturday. Finally I could see Mandi and her gorgeous body, oh those tits. I bit my lip as Ithought about her. Oh shit, what was I going to wear? I jumped up and[…]

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Fifty hour week. Fifty hours of mind numbing financial calculation. Fifty hours in the shittiest cubicle of a shittier office with no heating system because Walter Sheridan is too fucking tight to install one. After[…]

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Pool party

"Hey, everybody," Gene shouted, "watch this," just before in did a wild somersault off the diving board into his back yard pool!!! The rest of the crowd gave him a mock standing ovation and Tom[…]

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Jane, a wonder 5

INSOMNIA It was 2 in the morning, pitch black yet peaceful this night. For the longest while, I couldn't sleep. Me and Jane hadn't had sex in 5 days because her period started. Mood swings[…]

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The disparate couple

Byron wondered why he even bothered!!! After eight months of faithfully working out three times a week, he still weighed only 135 pounds and had arms that resembled spaghetti!!! "Okay," he said under his breath,[…]

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