A week and a half had passed since Suzan and my video had been recorded for the contest and now Suzan was at Joe’s bar getting the results. I tried to busy myself watching tv[…]
Opening new doors
OPENING NEW DOORS "You reported a problem with your /> I looked up from my paperwork, and my heart stopped. Lord, Lord, how could they send a man who looked like that to a woman's[…]
A phone call pt 2
My phone rang, I pulled the bed clothes up around my chin and let the answer-phone take the call, "Neil Barker is not here and if you want a Taxi it's too bad" "It's Elsie.[…]
Maneater chapter 3
Chapter 3: Martin I met Martin by his locker Monday morning. Apparently he hadn't been expecting me. He closed his locker door and there I was, standing and smiling on the other side. He nearly[…]
A new anal virgin is broken in, ( 6 )
Yesterday had gone well, with 4 guys we both had plently of fun, and all going well, the rest of the week should be as good too. Tuesday morning, I gave Pauline a quick fuck,[…]
Accidental Cousin Part 2: I had just found out that the hot girl I fucked over Spring Break was in fact my cousin. Now sitting at my Aunt's house trying to listen to conversations and[…]
The girl on the bus – part 1
One day when I was on my way home from school, in the bus, I saw an extremely hot looking girl. She was around 17 (so am i), quite long blonde hair, a pair of[…]
Seth brings a guest to the couple
'Sir.' Seth tried again. 'Our paper is of a far better quality then any of our competitors. Not only that, but I can give you a very good deal.' The old bald man opposite him[…]
Brian's power, chapter four
Brian's Power, Chapter Four Hey! Welcome to Part Four of my Brian's Power stories! In this Chapter, Brian starts his training! Smaller chapter, sorry. /> "Hey there Mister, time to get up." Said a feminine[…]
Cowboys are meant to ride
Chapter One – The Cowboy Arrives Note to readers: This is a true story, and my first post. I have no problem accepting constructive criticism; however, you will note the operative word here is, I[…]
Kinky club couple
Sorry it's so long, but I want you to experience it the way I did. It was a typical Saturday night, I had been single again for quite a few weeks and was really feeling[…]
My ex
my name is tim.. i am the father of two beautiful kinds and run a local garage my story begins a few years ago…being the manager of a local garage i am incharge of the[…]
We got stares everywhere that we went. At first, when we were younger, it bothered us greatly. But, as we got older we didn't care. Let me explain by starting at the beginning. Our father[…]
The slavery series: chapter 3
I thrust forward hard and pulled Michelle’s head toward me with both hands. My cock slammed into her throat, blasting it wide open, and she gagged up gallons of sloppy throat juice. I had planned[…]
Innocent alice
The polished dancefloors reflected the images of the thrashing teens, a mess of organized flailing limbs and phermones. The overpowering aroma of aftershave, perfume, sweat and alcohol hung thick in the air. Brightly coloured neon[…]
Pink panties
The nylon felt smooth and soft in his hand, but Eric still couldn't decide whether he should get the white or pink ones. He really wanted to surprise Jack, because he had a real weakness[…]