The smell of sex

I first learned of the magnetism of sexual odor as an 18-year-old teenager. In school, I was always more cerebral than athletic. Consequently, I participated in science and debate clubs instead of sports. Reserved and[…]

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The gift

THE GIFT I stumbled over the metal threshold of the doorway as I hurried into the convenience store. I looked down immediately to see what my toe had hit then looked up, embarrassed, to see[…]

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Out of control

“Do you think you can really control her?” Wilma Grafton asked while glancing over at her sullen niece, Rebecca. Gwen Caine replied gently, “it really isn’t a matter of controlling her.” “What we can do[…]

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Santa iv

John emerged from the opening this time at a leisurely walk. Stopping a moment he looked out past the blurriness of the edge of the time bubble they were all in. Well he thought so[…]

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Jolina and me

Jolina and me She was 12 when I first saw her. She was with her dad, a handsome man. Very handsome to be completely honest. But handsome guys had their downside. They were men, and[…]

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