Where It All Began 1 My wife and I had been married for almost seven years, seven terrible years punctuated by a few happy moments. Most of those happy moments came while we were in[…]
The life of ias
My name is Ias, I’m 16 years old, have black hair, brown eyes, I live in New Orleans, LA, I’m 5 foot 9 and a very logistical thinker. I also love women; I don’t really[…]
Cheating wife 2
My wife is in her 40’s but she is in great shape. She works out all the time, eats right and takes very good care of herself. Many people say she looks like Heather Locklear[…]
Jake's adventures: part ii
One thing to note about this chapter in regards to the series: there is a very long and detailed backstory I have imagined up between Amy and Kaylee, but I can’t go into it here.[…]
Newly submissive
When Kasey woke up her boyfriend was playing video games, not really noticing her so she got up and went to get dressed in her for him that she was ordered to wear every day[…]
Setting up lucy-1
SETTING UP LUCY 1 "How do I get myself into these Lucy asked herself, as the young man rubbed his hardened cock across her face and lips. "And where is Howard?" She opened her lips[…]
Training laura part 1
Please Sir She had just woke up to her phone buzzing and a missed call. Looking she had a text from a guy she had met at his work. “ Lets go do something” She[…]
Hayley, dan and teenage exhibitionism (part 1)
Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Dan, and as my girlfriend wishes for the sake of the story, her name is Hayley. We live in Ireland, in a big town by Irish standards,[…]
My family and i part 1
INTRO: Hi. My name is Hannah. I am 13 and I have 7 sisters and one half-brother. I know what you’re thinking, ‘Wow, her parents must be horny,’ well they’re not now, cause they’re dead.[…]
The life of josh – chapter two
This is the basic beginning of the plot of my story. The first chapter was just a short deion of characters, nothing too specific, but I recomment quickly reading it, before you go through with[…]
The Beginning and the End
I could see the world burning around me and all I cared about was the pleasure Cassidy’s mouth was bringing me. Eventually I pulled her head off me. Her face was red and covered in[…]
My neighbor
…Now, picture this, after dinner, I would sit on my front steps and have an after dinner cigarette. Upper middle class neighborhood and I had a hot girlfriend living with me. Across the street, my[…]
A boy in babeland chapter 9
It was the day after Lee and April had so tearfully agreed they would find a house together and live their lives apart from the others. Lee had been quite quiet the night before and[…]
The girl next door continues!
Good news everyone! The Girl Next Door is coming back soon! I got a new job offer, better than the other one that I was going to take, and I can continue writing the stories.[…]
My wife would live to regret her unfaithfulness.
Chapter One The Body of this Story is about Forced Sex, & Bi Sexual Women, this section will have four chapters ,and I aim to write part two ASAP.. I always had the fantasy of[…]
Whispers in the dark
It was the summer of ‘69. My wife had been bitten by a scorpion while working out in her garden and had been hospitalized for a week. This undoubtedly had put a halt to our[…]