So innocent chapter 1

"Dad?" Steve heard his young 15 year old daughter call out to him from upstairs. "Down here sweety." he said, looking at the stairs. Jessica ran down them, her long brown hair flowing behind her.[…]

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The party

The Party‏ After the break-up of the man who had given me 3 years of ultimate pleasure, my friends suggested I go to the "Party of the Century". After all I had been through, I[…]

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This is my second offering in almost three years. I hope you enjoy it and I welcome feedback. It is quite long but hopefully it contains enough excitement and sex to keep your attention This[…]

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Sensuous love

A kiss, and yet so much more Begins our love down on the floor A touch a caress and warm soft hug And kiss lower, hair gentle hard tug Souls energy raised Glassy eyed daze[…]

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