You have email

Computers and the Internet certainly have changed our world in the past 15-20 years. BY OLDPRO Our first computer was an Apple IIE and with the first modems you could talk in various chat rooms[…]

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my wife and i frequent a local bar/restaurant that features a DJ on friday and saturday nights. the regular DJ is in his mid thirties and does a good job of playing to the crowds[…]

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College credits

It's my brother's second year at the university this year, my first. It's a large school, over twenty thousand students, and our parents decided that it would be best for several reasons (cost, my safety,[…]

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No title(yet)

No title(yet) I first saw him at the mall. It was the day before Christmas, Christmas Eve. He was The best Christmas present that fate could ever have come up with. Then I saw the[…]

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