Our first time

It all started with a click, one single click, and it lead to the most amazing friendship and relationship anyone could ever ask for. This is my story: All throughout the years of his life,[…]

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Have a girl

…..It started when some girlfriends told her in confidence that they were having sex play with their daddy’s. Their dad’s, supposedly, were feeling them up, fingering them, licking their pussy and letting them jack them[…]

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Big girl

Lois Helmers was lonely. It had been such a long time since she had been with a man, she could hardly remember when. Not exactly young any more at thirty six, her real problem was[…]

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Taking risks chaper 2

My phone rang at about 11 o'clock at night. I regained sight and looked over at it, it was Ricky. I asked groggily. "Hey, I need you over here…NOW." He said. "What? It's elev-" "Excuse[…]

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Erotic night

Marci had a rather tiring day at work. She made her way up to her twelfth-story loft provided to her by her new boss and lover, she begins imagining the warm bath she will soon[…]

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