John emerged from the opening this time at a leisurely walk. Stopping a moment he looked out past the blurriness of the edge of the time bubble they were all in. Well he thought so[…]
Dna 2 chapter 9
"Hurry up!" Mandy shouted from outside Paul's bedroom. "I'll be ready in a minute!" Paul replied, and turned back to the mirror. The girl that stared back at him no longer startled him as much[…]
Ritual blood lust
Ritual Blood Lust By Samantha G. A few years ago my company closed its doors–for good. Just Fucking Great! I was really pissed about this turn of events; this job was the only reason I[…]
Wsg enterprises, part 1
The CEO was waiting for his ordered shipment in the receiving area. The receiving area was one of the newest constructions. Over the years the compound had become quite large. Whenever the company realized that[…]
Playing with our neighbours son
Things carried on this way for a few months and Sophie was a regular visitor to our bedroom. We played out all our fantasies including my favourite where the two girls tied me up and[…]
The best train ride ever takes a turn for the worst
I had calmed down by the next station and had just started reading my book when hayden jones stormed towards me. He had short blonde hair blue eyes and was a bit on the chubby[…]
Model turns slut – 3
Model Turns Slut – Part 3 by NiteWriter Barbara sat back on the floor to catch her breath after the black pounding that just took place. Two more guys were unable to wait any longer[…]
I just knew it felt so right
It was never questioned when to do it. It was never questioned why I would do it. Not to me at least. I couldn’t control it. I just knew it felt so right. From the[…]
Joe snaps. chapter 1 a night at the club
This is my first attempt at a story. I used spell check and tried to use proper grammar. There will still be some errors but I feel this is the best I could write this.[…]
Papa and megan-the conclusion
The next morning, when I arrived back to work, I was met with some upsetting news. It seemed that my last project that I completed two weeks ago, the client was having some problems implementing[…]
So damn mean
I was 12 with dozens of younger cousins that all looked up 2 me but one cousin was always a lil too close. she was 9 about 4'6 and thick and a high school girl[…]
Mall then a quickie! u think….
hi my name is maggy.and this is my story? This whole evening started with me meeting a guy named Matt at the mall we walked around for a good 2 hours talking bout everything well[…]
Alex's first one
This incident happened to me when I was In my twelve.I still have not been able to completely remove this incident from my memory.It haunts me every single day of my life.My Aunt,I feel had[…]
Sophie becomes a movie star 3.
[[sorry this took so incredibly long. I'm super busy with finals and all. 😛 anyway, I hope you like. I tried to do a better proof-reading job, but I'm not sure if I did that[…]
Jenny's stranger sex part 4
Jenny had recently had her baby and although tired from getting up at night took to motherhood better than she thought. She did not want to go back to work and enjoyed building a new[…]
Stories from davis hall 2: lynn's new home
Keep in mind, I’m a girl, and I’m also not a lesbian, so this story may not be up to your full 🙂 Into After Lynn had escaped the clutches of Rev. Greene’s cult, her[…]