so me and harvey woke up the other day and we did are usual stuff anyway when harvey was making breakfast i sat infront of the mirror and kept thinking im such a fat bastard[…]
Camp the final chapter
It had been just shy of a month since Jonah had began running, all's he wanted to do was run and never stop, he wanted to be alone, didn't want anyone in his life anymore,[…]
Chapter 3 of my series; rachel comes to the front
Reading through this I have found some of the dialect from my area has snuck in,, so to save all the comments about spelling and grammar, I’ll explain it. We use ‘me’ in place of[…]
Club moresomes
God Brent – that's my next door /> I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Here I was in the private office of my good friend Brent watching Jenny, my next door neighbour, performing all[…]
Soccer mom and a bully chapter 3
I've been crying myself to sleep every night since this whole ordeal started, though I've been doing more crying than sleeping lately. My eyes are puffy, sore and red and I'm staring at the ceiling[…]
Alice is pregnant 5
Alice Is Pregnant 5 by Will Buster If you like any of my stories you can get my full length novels Enjoy! Lord Elton found that one of the great advantages of young teen lust[…]
Ltttle girl slut
I met my girl friend at a strip club she was the main attraction she called her self sissy, she was petite only 4'11 long blonde hair she would always wear in pig tails. she[…]
Actress & me(pt 3 trip west)
I watched the plane taxi to the runway, and take off. I left and headed home with tears in my eyes as I was already missing her. I moped around the cottage for the rest[…]
The october surprise
Brooke Woodhead had been working making extra money as a baby sitter every since she'd been in the seventh grade. Smart and responsible, the families she worked for trusted her. Now a senior in high[…]
Stepson matt on his 18th birthday
I got married two years ago. It was my second marriage, but I had no children from the first one – which only lasted a few years. I was busy with my career and he[…]
The girls of st francis the martyr. 1 the field trip
– Chapter One – Thursday They set off into the wilderness with bags packed. Samantha was the prettiest, but Rachel was the most popular. Erin, athletic and boyish, was the token black girl. Leah, armed[…]
Caught peeping
Sam was down in the dumps. The college year was over and now most of the apartments where he worked were empty. All the pretty girls were gone and with them all the pussy he[…]
Her boyfriend raped her
Fbailey story number 558 Her Boyfriend Raped Her One Friday night Cindy came running into the house crying, she pushed me out of her way, and rushed up to the bathroom. Mom and Dad have[…]
The slaver gets his wish chapter 11
The Slaver Gets his Wish Chapter 11 I had bid Sven good evening after drinking with him again, which was a poor decision. The man could hold is liquor. banshee had been delivered to Donald[…]
The secretary(valentine's day)
It was Thursday February 13, I was sitting at my desk, kind of thinking about Stacey, and our encounter, we have talked a couple times since then, but never talked about the event. The phone[…]
Amy – part 4
I know it's been a long time coming. And there's still more in there to come. Please be patient as I have a regular job, company, family, and a dog. I wasn’t really pleased with[…]