Fun starts at work

samantha was just getting ready for work. She was bored with her routine and she needed a change of pace. She was going through her clothes, and thought, "what the hell, I think I'll spice[…]

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My first boyfriend 5

Wow. I stopped writing a moment and looked back. I’ve written well over twenty pages already and I still haven’t even gotten to the part where I get fucked. It’s just that I remember that[…]

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The dancer

Andrea was a dancer at a strip club. She was a single mother and she did what she had to do to keep food on the table. However she actually loved her job. She loved[…]

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An anal awakening

“Now son me and your mom are going to visiting papa Bo-Bo for the weekend. He is not doing well. His intestinal and rectal swollen has developed into cancer. You and your sister are not[…]

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Sub life

She isn’t hard to figure out. She wears her emotions on her face. She can’t conceal things even when she wants to. She has only had a handful of relationships. Most of them have been[…]

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