I spent the better portion of the brief subway ride Downtown trying to figure out what Veronica had on underneath her long winter coat. I could see her black fishnets, but only below the knee.[…]
Ivy revealed
11-25-2008, 03:11 PM #39 *'s IVY Newcumer Join Date: Oct 2008 Posts: 5 A long story, but worth it /> Very few people know I'm bi. I didn't realize it myself til 2yrs ago. Being[…]
Where it all began
Where It All Began 1 My wife and I had been married for almost seven years, seven terrible years punctuated by a few happy moments. Most of those happy moments came while we were in[…]
Late night screenings – ch.1
It was 1:30 in the morning and I was walking down the hall towards the TV room when I saw the lights flashing from the TV set through the glass door. I couldn’t sleep and[…]
Dana – part 2
Continued from /> Dana was speechless. Shocked would have been an understatement. As she watched the restroom door close and the blonde disappear she looked down at the card she had mechanically taken. There was[…]
Superman gets some
One fine day, Superman went to visit his good friend Wonder Woman. As he approached her front door, he heard some moaning sounds coming from an open window. Curious, he went to the window and[…]
Over the road trucking
I was loaded in Tampa on a wednesday going to Portland Oregon. The load delivered on Monday morning. I had plenty of time to get it there on time. I stopped at the 76 fuel[…]
Halloween teen
I’ve never been a big fan of horror movies. It’s not that I scare easily, but they just don’t do much for me. I will say, though, that the scariest movie I ever saw when[…]
Damien skylar chapter 2
**Author's Note-Again, all character's and events are mine, do not steal. Another thing, this story contains non-consensual sex, I do not condone it, and it shouldn't be done, ever. And story is told from two[…]
Domination & submission
CHAPTER 1 “Geez, Peter…why are you always playing with yourself? Don’t you have any self control?” It was my wife Carolyn complaining again about me rubbing my cock. I wasn’t trying to jerk off; I[…]
My best studies ever part 3
Stories (studies 03) /> Sometimes waking up in the morning can hold a mixture of wonder and dread, depending on what has to get done. This was one such occasion for a different reason; as[…]
Slut showdown—-tom/alisha
It was a dark night. A night unlike any other. A night filled with fun and intimacy. A night when two young kids loose their virginity! Approximately, 7:00 am. Morning "It's going to rain and[…]
Lightning ch 1
Look could you please comment because this is my first story ever and I was going to add sex but thought of adding it on the next chapter I know lame right so please comment[…]
I finally had my way…
I had seen her grow up, from ten till this beautiful little hardcore metal girl. I’m not talking about the kind with piercing hanging all over the place, I’m talking about the ones that wear[…]
Me and my bro part 2
Let me in Izzy! I gotta get dressed!" Damn, the bitch locked the door. One day she was going to have to accept that this was my room too. "One minute!" She shouted, sounding out[…]
The neighbor's
Intro: This is the second part in the series about my relationship with April , the neighbor's daughter . How she fell in love with me . How we had to keep the relationship secret[…]