Cynthia 3

Everyone slept late next morning, but Sharon and the girls were the first up and dressed for a day at the mall. Rhoda and I were up early, but by 10 o’clock we were still[…]

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Violated passenger

Passengers milled and murmured, watching the glowing yellow light approach. Wheels screeched, the wind blew and the passengers stepped back until the speeding subway came to a halt. The doors open and there was a[…]

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Valerie carefully slid her fingers across the bumps that protruded from the pages on her book, ocassionally stopping to pick up the micro cassette recorder to make some notes for tomorrow's world history class!!! Every[…]

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The first day

"It's gonna be a great day," Vance hummed to himself as he punched floor number twenty nine on the express elevator, "a new job in a new city, what could be finer!?!" Vance Hawkins was[…]

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Evie 01

I entered through the heavy wooden doors and was blinded by the contrast of the gloomy drinking lounge, which was emphasized by the neon glow of beer signs and jukebox in the corner. Terry was[…]

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