Sisters plus one

By the time this experience happened, my sister Lynn and I had been lovers for almost a year (see my previous story, "Sisterly I was now 14, and my breasts had grown considerably. Lynn, now[…]

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Fear of flying

Here is my first offering. I was written for a lady friend who was absolutely phobic about flying. It is not as graphic as some of my other writings and I may rework it later.[…]

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Little town sensuous

It was mid morning in Sensuous Illinois. A place where everyone is friendly, warm atmosphere and a beautiful location. With a name Sensuous how could it not be beautiful. There were no riots, fighting or[…]

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Milk and cookies

“So you’re going off to college,” Mary Peters said to the young man who was painting her house. “In another couple of weeks, Kerry Kimball replied between brush strokes. “My, my,” she sighed while fanning[…]

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A life undone

’Do you like it kinky?’ She looked at me with those big brown eyes that had mesmerized me the moment I had met her in the hotel bar earlier tonight. We had danced to the[…]

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Incest abroad

This is my first story so I would appreciate all comments and feedback on it. Keep in note these characters are fictional and incest is illegal. Do not read if you are against incest stories.[…]

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