Tonight tonight

Someone new. Thirty but he looked to be the same age as me and had something shy and schoolboy-esque that attracted me to this sexy stranger with expensive taste. He had plenty of disposable income[…]

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Last stop

Rain was whipped from the sky by high winds, slamming into the Earth as if trying to beat it into submission. In the dim hours of evening, Mat Parks pushed his 18 wheeler into the[…]

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Sweet cherry…

“Reesie, you’re lookin’ beautiful tonight! You ready to go? You know ladies get in free until eleven!” Jamie preached. Reesie looked at her friend Jamie and rolled her eyes. “Let me just put on a[…]

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From the files of Dr Marie Lyndon. Patient GS: T 05/08/14 Interesting case. Delusional. Possibly self-deluded, possibly schizophrenia. Delusion comes in the form of being told by (non-recurring) that he has been given infinite power[…]

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A paranormal affair

Paranormal Affair Even before the second shot of absinthe has finished burning its way down my throat, I can feel the first one beginning to take hold of me. Its vapours rise up my throat,[…]

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Rye and eli

They had just come back from one of Elijah’s dad’s business dinners, and everyone wanted to sleep. Except Ryley and Elijah. The house that was closet to the Reinhardt Building was Elijah’s mom’s house, so[…]

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Birthday initiation

Looking around the room, Rick surveyed the 5 couples already present,seated in the two rows of small love seats placed strategically facing him. His tall frame of 6 foot 5 inches and broad muscular build[…]

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