Vengeance 22 Ellie walked in the door on Friday, finally done with classes for the week. She walked into my dorm room to find a pair of handcuffs on the table, nothing more. Immediately turned[…]
My sister's hands pt2
Marilyn stroking my cock was the best thing I ever felt. I couldn't wait for the next time we had the house to ourselves. Well, I didn't have to wait very long. Two days later[…]
The bellboy gets it
Part I ‘Where have you been?’ Mr. Beans gives me the harsh look. He thinks he’s scary that way. It has never kept me from sneaking away for a smoke. ‘I was in the bathroom,[…]
Karen and michelle’s sad story part 1 chapter 8
Karen and Michelle’s Sad Story Part 1 Chapter 8 By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and[…]
The taming tent
"Jen! Oh Jen, I'm glad you got here in time. In a little while, there wouldn't have been anything left." Jen pulled the flaps of the circus tent closed behind her. "Are the pickings that[…]
The willing slave 2: family affairs (revised)
CHAPTER 1 –CARING FOR MY FAMILY I’ve always hated going to the doctor. I can’t stand sitting and waiting and waiting and waiting in a room mostly full of sick people. But today I was[…]
Beth ii ~ sweet sixteen birthday
BETH II ~ Sweet Sixteen Birthday Fiction by: Zappa06415 “Ditto /> Beth was becoming the love of my life. Little could be said, or done to stop this rush of emotions coming over the two[…]
Victim of the bad girls club (part two)
Sonny though back on the night they had spent together it was over two weeks ago now and he was convicted she was the one, although she hadn’t spent much time with him since that[…]
My boyfriend's cousin – part 2: the party
9:38 – He arrived into the kitchen with the usual swagger that was to be expected with a boy who had turned 18. If I didn’t know any better he’d just gone and banged another[…]
The mysterious lana(ch 5)
As Lana was stepping out of the shower, she heard her cellular phone ringing like crazy. Not wanting to invade any privacy issues that she might have had, David didn’t answer it but merely brought[…]
Fantacy? or reality?!
It was a stormy night in September and I had just finished a nice warm cup of coffee. I was lonely and thought a lot about women. My name is Jacob. I had often fanaticized[…]
The 120 days of sodom – 18 – part1, the seventeenth day
THE SEVENTEENTH DAY The terrible antipathy the Président had for Constance was manifest in daily outbursts: he had spent the night with her, having made a bilateral arrangement with Durcet, to whom he returned her[…]
A early morning protein shake
Ashley’s hips swayed suggestively from side to side as she entered detention hall. She was new to the school, but she had gotten morning detention on the first day. She entered the classroom and smiled[…]
Teenage hooker
When I was in my early teens, I ran away from home and learned right away that the world could be tough on a 14 year old boy who is out there and all alone.[…]
Charles helps his mother feel pleasure again chapter 6
They left the hospital for the last time they hoped, his 24 hours of insanity had passed and he hoped to forget all about it and make his Mother the only thing worth his attention.[…]
What a fine bouquet
A blind man walks into a restaurant and sits down. The waiter, who is also the owner, walks up to the blind man and hands him a menu. "I'm sorry sir, but I am blind[…]