James had just turned fourteen years old when he had his first sexual experience, with his girl friend, Alicia. It went terrible, although nothing really happened anyways they both backed out when something could have[…]
Brian's power, chapter four
Brian's Power, Chapter Four Hey! Welcome to Part Four of my Brian's Power stories! In this Chapter, Brian starts his training! Smaller chapter, sorry. /> "Hey there Mister, time to get up." Said a feminine[…]
When i first came
Am a 10 year old fellow, with some good looks, a very pleasing behaviour, that is to the public, in all am taken for a good kid. This is for outward appearances, but inside me[…]
we,have been married for 25 years,and for the last five years I have been trying to get my still gorgeous wife,to take a lover.I,told her my fantasy was to watch her get fucked .I wanted[…]
Pay back is a bitch
All Cindy could think about was John hurrying up and getting his a nut off before Donnie Joe got home from school on the bus..A john moved her head up and down his 7-inch cock[…]
The princesss punishment and reward
Its early saturday afternoon now, the princess has been without an orgasm or a fuck for a whole week at 3 pm. It seems she has displeased her Master the weekend before and she is[…]
Doing summer work around the neighborhood
It was the summer between my junior and senior year of high school. My parents told me that if I worked hard they would match what I earned so that I could buy my first[…]
The story of kelly and bill
This Is the Story about Bill and Kelly; both are 35 and live in A Small Town in Northern Florida, They Are Conservative and Are Happy with Their Lives. They Have Known Each Other Since[…]
Erotic dreams
I am one of those rare people that not only dream in Technicolor, but wake up screaming with an orgasm because the dream was so real. My body shudders and shakes as the orgasm moves[…]
A brush with the law
I think I’m a pretty average guy. You know, medium build, medium complexion, medium brown hair, average looks. When I say “average looks,” I mean I’m no Brad Pitt, but then nobody ever got me[…]
Wifes night out
on this particular friday nighti had to get ready for “shutdown” at work. it is a once a year maintenance outage at our plant. denise wanted to go out to our favorite dance spot, but[…]
The girl from my kung fu class
I was riding my truck down Elk Street. I was heading to my martial arts class, which starts at eight pm. It was 7:52 and the gym was only 3 minutes away, so I had[…]
No more parties
really can't believe I'm writing this down, but I can't really believe I'm living the two lives I'm living right now, either. In my first life, I'm a happily married, 35-year old wife and mother[…]
Vampire desires 3
"Hurry! Get him on to the bed!," screamed one voice. "Is he going to be alright?," panicked another. /> "We're loosing him! Quick pass me that medicine! Quick!," said the first voice. "What have I[…]
The ride of her life (part 2)
“No,” she protested, “I can’t go out like this. I live here. My neighbors can’t see me like this.” “Oh, you’re right,” he said as he adjusted her bathrobe and tied the front closed again.[…]
Lthe making of a slut
I hadn't sucked a cock in almost 13 years and decided I NEEDED to taste a man's thick tasty cum! A little about me. At this point I had been married for about 3 years[…]