Sex in seoul

SEX IN SEOUL – Part One (by Anonymous) All the recent publicity about Korea has taken me back to my interesting experiences in the South part of that troubled country. It may not be well[…]

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Caught on dvd

Fbailey story number 243 Caught On DVD I had just come home in a very good mood. School was over for the year and summer was here. My boyfriend was going off to college in[…]

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My story 2

I opened my eyes to an all too familiar room. I was in the hospital. I looked around the best I could. I saw Ash in the bed next to me. In one of the[…]

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Holly & dr hartley

Holly Bennett fought her way to the back of the old equipment cupboard to retrieve the stepladder. Earlier that day, she had been asked to stay late to help Dr Hartley take stock of all[…]

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Lucy's lucky break

Lucy's lucky that David was a rugby player. Not that Lucy had the slightest interest in rugby and not that David was any good at it. He played with enthusiasm but absolutely no skill in[…]

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Samantha plopped down in front of her dressing room table while struggling to pull on her panty hose! "I just gotta lose some weight," she said with a sigh, "I'm gonna die young if I[…]

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Flying high

We laugh together as we run into the air-conditioned airport terminal from the muggy heat outside. The effect was miraculous on you as I glanced at you once we were inside. Aside from raising your[…]

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The weekend 3

I'm having a nice productive day at work. Numbers and facts are just so black & white and I find it calming. I turn in my chair and pull a report from my messenger bag,[…]

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