I logged in to my account. I had a flirt. I didn't get overly excited. Usually flirts were just that but not wanting to miss an opportunity I checked you out. Your handle was officefuck69.[…]
Noc 2
Another late night at the office would keep Ashley from coming home until maybe two or three in the morning. Ashley asked Carly if Aaron’s headache had gotten any better after he took the pills.[…]
Our summer beach house
Two of my co workers, Jason and Al, had rented a beach house to use on the weekends all summer long and I heard they were looking for a third roomie to share expenses I[…]
Jule loved by everyone
Part I PART ONE Chapter One ———– Harry and Julie fell in love their senior year of high school, they couldn't wait for graduation and as you can imagine one month before the big day[…]
Passing the test
I was happy. My girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, and so we decided to get married. My parents helped us in every way, my friends encouraged me, and my girlfriend?[…]
A life of love part i: school antics
"Fucking hell". Famous last words. But when its last period English on a Friday and you have a fucking stuck-up teacher with a that is giving you a tonne of shit, it tends to be[…]
Wanting you (part1)
So, we just talked and I let you know that I would probably be and hour late. I'm so sorry, I promise to make it up to you. You understand, and will be waiting. So[…]
Could you help me?
Fbailey story number 726 Could You Help Me? I was the high school boy that they hired to clean up the bar after it closed at two in the morning. I wasn’t twenty-one years old[…]
Cock 2 go
It all started when I was on my way home from a party at a mate’s house, I had been hoping to pick up a hot guy there but to my disappointment the party was[…]
1derful tease ch. 04
The hum of the little car shut down. with out saying a word dad looked over one last time and then proceeded to get out. I opened the door trying hard to get out with[…]
Our 1st mmf
Been talking with wife about having a 3 way with another guy for years. Been married for over 20 years. My wife Joann is 4 ft 11 ins tall, weights about 150 lbs, green eyes,[…]
Becoming my best friend's crush ch. 2
I stepped out of the shower, wrapped myself in a fluffy terry cloth robe, and looked at my new face and body in the mirror, filled with a new resolve. I didn’t know why this[…]
Peeping tom
The detective pressed his ID against the spy-hole of the door and announced his name and rank clearly and decisively. “Police, ma’am. Detective Thomas Patterson. May I speak with you please?” The door opened slowly[…]
Joe and cathy learn about sex
I was aware that boys and girls were different, but in the early 1950's, there wasn't that much information readily available to teenagers. When I was sixteen, I began dating Cathy who was just a[…]
All sex'd up
1. Izzy was cooking eggs when she heard a car pull in the drive way. She looked outside and saw an insanely gorgeous man. He was built and had sandy blonde hair. And from what[…]
Cynthia 3
Everyone slept late next morning, but Sharon and the girls were the first up and dressed for a day at the mall. Rhoda and I were up early, but by 10 o’clock we were still[…]