The sisters

This is my first story ever written, and i thought that this web sight might appreciate it. If it is liked i will do a part two, but have no idea when it will be[…]

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"tina the tease"

Tina the Tease By Blueheatt Klop, Klop, Klop, and all the guys in the shop would look up and watch Tina walk by in her high heels. I looked at her perfect young pointy full[…]

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My new bride

Chapter One The Beginning Here are some facts I should mention before I start. I am 6’3 190 pounds I have short brown hair blue eyes. I am an athletic build I am not ripped[…]

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Locked out

Will was very unhappy when he got home. He made the mistake of walking. Foolish boy. It took him about an hour to get home from school if he walked. About ten minutes if he[…]

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Sex and the church.

Three couples, an elderly couple, a middle-aged couple & a young newly-wed couple wanted to join a church. The priest said " We have special requirements for new parishioners, you must abstain from having sex[…]

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Yes mistress

"Hey baby" I smile as you hop off your Ducotti. I can't see your face yet through the helmet but I know you're smiling. You set it on the seat and walk over, your leather[…]

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The experience

She arrived outside the restaurant a bit early. She walked up and down a few times and decided to go inside to wait for him. "Table for two for Johnson" she told the waiter. She[…]

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