It’s been over 30 years since this story happened but it’s too good not to share. while I can’t remember everything exactly how it happened I’ll try to do my best, however some things I[…]
Dalias dream
Dalia’s Dream Another hot dry desert day. Not a cloud in the azure blue sky….. Dalia dropped to her bed… exhausted from the heat… and felt the coolness of the air conditioner pour over her…[…]
Victoria; ———– Vicky is Red, White and Blue, as American as apple pie. She’s a married woman of the Islamic faith whom I have, to put it politely targeted for seduction, or putting it less[…]
Young boys take walk in woods
Three young boys are sitting on a bench in the park. A little girl walks up and asks if the first little boy wants to go walking in the woods. He replies, yes, they take[…]
Ugly duckling
Her name was Barbara, she lived not too far away from us across the railroad tracks in a shack of a home that her poor family rented. Barbara was an outcast, she attended school with[…]
The overly cute guy
Everything was normal that day, I went to work and did nothing I didn't do everyday. I was standing in the front of the mall shoe store and watched some cute girls and some cuter[…]
Reality jump – chapter 6
Reality Jump – Chapter 6 Charles followed Lilly quickly down the corridor after leaving Erika passed out in a puddle of cum in the shower. “So what are we going to?” Charles asked as he[…]
Tina makes new friends (part two)
As they walked into the door, David noticed that he had gotten some company while he was at the airport. “Tina, this is Jake, my brother, and Tim, a friend of mine.” “Shit, He wasn’t[…]
Erotic novels by Gail Holmes /> Anne rested her elbows on the dinning room table, with her head resting in cupped hands, mother had been arguing for what seemed hours, these petty arguments were getting[…]
Revenge, pt 7: the blood starts flowing
Chapter 7 The next day, I decided to just do what he said. What did it really matter if I didn't sit with them all anymore? I was with Jessica before that, and I'd be[…]
Meg’s second business – pt 2
Background (This is a continuation of the story, thought I’d lead off with a brief background, for those who haven’t read part 1 yet): I’m Meg… Paul and I have been enjoying our Lifestyle for[…]
The stories of laura, part 1, the incidental meeting
I felt flush. I had just read and re-read his last e-mail and I felt twinges of excitement rock me. Quickly I hit the reply button and typed the word "Yes" and paused. I was[…]
Angie pt 2
Angie (pt2) He looked down at his daughter, passed out, and tried to grasp what she had said before she passed out. Not thinking with a clear mind, he shook her back awake, and asked[…]
Returning home
The school bell rang. Another day had come and gone. As John packed his stuff, he noticed his friend Jenny coming to him. "Hey, John. Ready to go home?", she said. "Sure, let me just[…]
Ex daughter grown up, part 6a, return of ex-wife
I jumped out of bed and showered while Tinh, put on her make-up, dressed in her clothes but saying she would have to go home and change into new ones, and so we left the[…]
Damsel in distress
Remastered, restructured, reworded. This is an entirely new work from the original. AS ALWAYS! I write for money. Please email me at if you are interested. I accept DONATIONS also. This helps me hire editors[…]