So this kid is walking down the street and behind him he is pulling a squashed frog. He finally gets to where he is going and it turns out to be the local cat house.[…]
We really can't win!
A woman was shaking out a rug on the balcony of her 17th floor condominium when a sudden gust of wind blew her over the railing. "Damn, that was stupid," she thought as she fell.[…]
“Nope, I’m going to go bearing gifts of truth. She was warned, the contract states very specifically a gag order for me, my team and everything we do. I cannot let this slide,” I tell[…]
She sat on my bed on the other side of the game board, knees wide, ankles crossed and tucked under her thighs, concentrating on the game. It was her move and she was moving the[…]
Earning a little extra – part 3
Earning a little extra – Part 3 By /> The last part of this story is getting a little too long to be a single part, so I’ve decided to make the story four parts[…]
The best day of school
The school bell rang and everyone ran out through the school gates. It had been a rough day. You'd had your exam results through, and even though youd passed every exam you were shaky at[…]
1 pussy, 1 cock
"That was fun," Kendra said to Dave. Dave, standing behind her, reached up her shirt and squeezed. "I couldn't wait for them to leave. I haven't seen you in a week, and neither has my[…]
Harry's hard g
qqqBekn sat alone in his bedroom. The walls were painted grey like his soul. It was dark outside. It was dark inside. It was dark. A single tear rolled down his face and hit the[…]
Tiffany's wedding day Exorcising Demons Just the most gorgeous bride, Tiffany’s a blonde fox with a real lust for anything extraordinarily, repulsively messy; but there’d be none of that shit until much later tonight (with[…]
Pyro and ravin
-so fellow goths punks and rejects Pyro and Ravin I woke up to the sun glaring through the window. It was Monday morning, I had to go to school in a hour so I took[…]
A night to remember
This is a story takes place during Christmas of 2013. A beautiful girl from South America stayed with my family for about a week, before she left for New York and I for Puerto Rico.[…]
Boys, buddies, pleasure
(Names have been changed, but this is a true story, enjoy.) I was about 13 when I started fooling around sexually with my neighbor, Mick. Funny thing is that we are both totally not gay,[…]
Jessica remembers wanting to get a tan but the sun is partly covered that afternoon so instead she swam around in the pool. It is at least two hours before the sun came out strong[…]
Spain is just two doors away
I live in a newly build neighbourhood. All of the habitants are almost the same age as I am, except for one couple. This man has a Spanish wife, and eventhough she is older than[…]
Defend each other – alex and john's story continues
Defend Each Other By /> San Francisco International Airport, San Francisco Ca. Main Terminal area 12:35 a.m. 16 September. Alex sat in the quiet airport terminal, fixing her lipstick in a small compact and checking[…]
Sharing my boyfriend???
Sharing My Boyfriend??? * A happy couple has a girlfriend who likes sexual stimulation, just like they do. * seemed kind of cruel, but it’s really a turn on for all of us. Making Sandy[…]