A sexy subject part 4

The day of the wedding Trish and Christine met Steven at the county courthouse to sign the marriage license. Judge Clifford Brown who performed the ceremony was a tall, slim man with short brown and[…]

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"sweaty" part 1

/> by Julius Copyright 2005 Mitzi rang the bell. Nobody answered, so she opened the screen door and rapped with her knuckles. The door swung open a couple of inches. Blowing a drop of sweat[…]

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Wife lessons

I watched as my wife struggled against the tight ropes that bound her thick legs and ankles covered in black knee high stockings to the hotel chair. With her wrists tightly bound behind her, she[…]

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The ad #2

Tommy had placed the ad about a week ago and today he received his first reply. His ad read: "Wanted, older ladies, preferably over 55, to pose in erotic photo sessions, good $$$, looks not[…]

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Welcome home (pt i)

Foreword: Okay, this is my first ever erotic story. Go easy on me. I hope you all enjoy it 😉 Walking home from work one night, Kaylee Stone adjusted her form-fitting black skirt, sighing. She[…]

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Andrew's temptation

It was a hot summer afternoon when Shelly pulled her car into the driveway; the drive home seemed to take forever as she thought about how exciting the weekend would be. Being one of the[…]

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I like lila

I was walking to school thinking about my goals for the day when my thoughts were pierced by a feminine voice. “Hey, hot stuff.” Lila said as she bounced up alongside me. Great I thought[…]

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