Lois pt. 3

Driving home from Lois's my mind was racing. I got a blow job from one of my wife's best friends. I fingered her sweet little pussy till she came on my hand. We would have[…]

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Caught masturbating

Which should most be lost contending, Darting fierce and flaming kisses, Plunging into boundless blisses; Our bodies, and our souls on fire. Tost by a tempest of Desire; Till with utmost fury driven, Down, at[…]

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Skateboard kid

Skateboard kid As I pulled up to the convience store I noticed a boy of about 14 standing in front of it. He was a typical skate boarder with no shirt, long hair, and camo[…]

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Speeding ticket

"Dispatch, this is 27." "This is dispatch. Hey, Johnson, you can loosen up on the formality. You're not in the big city now, just a sheriff's department in a big rural county, a bunch of[…]

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Soulmate by: Discreet Lover Copyright 2012 Her soft lips touched mine as we kissed. The smell of her perfume filled my nose as we embraced. It always amazed me just how well she fit against[…]

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Christmas at the burrow

The Burrow, a ramshackle house just outside Ottery St. Catchpole, it's seven floors, hastily stacked on top of each other, bits sticking out haphazardly all over the place. Muggles that saw it would swear, jokingly,[…]

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