Taking beth

Taking Beth My name is Richard. I'm 42 and a pretty heavy (sort of overweight), so I never had much luck getting laid (unless I paid for it). I had always gotten off on the[…]

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Student lesbians 2

Sam and Lisa As the weeks gone by, Lisa and Sam’s friends started to notice they were getting closer. Lisa and Sam started to walk around the university holding hands, they would always go out[…]

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Tim and his new bike

Tim Greenwood jumped straight out of bed after opening his eyes, quickly making his way through all the toys on the floor and stopped in front of the window, opening it, hoping the weather wouldn’t[…]

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Stories come true

I’d been watching her for weeks, keeping track of her routine. She was such a creature of habit. I quickly came to know what time she rose in the morning and how long it took[…]

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Sexie daddy (2)

* We left off with Trina giving Lynn’s dad a blow job after he licked her pussy. Lynn was watching all this hidden at the top of the dark /> ———- Lynn…. I was back[…]

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